Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Quality of Life

We strive to think about the quality of life of each individual that comes through the Design Lab program.
We stumbled across this great article by Rachel Monroe from Inc. about 4 Ways to Make Your Employees Love Working for You; and in honor of the New Year, we thought it fitting to share some of our goals and motivations here at the Design Lab.

1. Think about their Career
The article focuses on retention - which is important here at the Design Lab, but we also strive to focus on job placement outside of the Design Lab as well.  Once the training program is completed, we realize that the Design Lab might not be the perfect fit or industry for the trainee.  We want each trainee to find their dream job, even if it doesn't involve staying on with us.

2. Encourage Learning.
This one is a no-brainer :) we're ALL about learning here!

3. Promote Wellness.
The article talks about a company who gave out Fitbits; we love that idea!  We definitely encourage and promote health and wellness here, and it's a daily discussion amongst all employees.  We talk about and join the same health apps to encourage eachother (ie Loseit and MapMyRun).  We also have long term goals of starting a meal program and partnering with local community gardens to start our own work garden that can provide for employees work and home life.

4. Help them Give Back.
We hope to inspire our employees to give back, especially considering our mission here at the Design Lab, we'd like to think our trainees are like-minded as well.
Recently we volunteered at a local grammar school, St Pius, and we explained how vital math is to apparel design.  We had so much fun, and surprisingly to us, the kids were really intrigued and engaged!
This will definitely be an area that we expand upon at the Design Lab; more community outreach!

Here's to hoping the smiles continue in 2014 :)

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