Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bloo-Blah-Bio, the first post, intimidating...I guess I could tell you a little about myself (abridged version, of course)...I was recently accepted into the Graduate Program for Apparel Design at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.  I have no collegiate experience in fashion, just work experience (between managing a small New Orleans/Baton Rouge Boutique - Oliveaux, and a more corporate retail experience managing for Banana Republic - specifically in merchandise presentation).  I received my Bachelors of Science in Psychology at Georgia State University where I was on an athletic scholarship for soccer.  I still attempt to play soccer (I played semi-professionally a bit after college) though I have been PLAGUED with knee injuries, ACL tears more specifically, both knees, five surgeries, not exciting.  

I have big aspirations after receiving my Masters degree at LSU, but in the meantime, there are a few people who seemed very interested in my degree and what exactly I was going to be doing/creating/studying/designing etc.  So, I figure along the way, I can keep people updated on my learnings and travels.  

Alec (my hubby) and I are taking a trip to S.Korea (looking into adoption) and Thailand (better-late-than-never-honeymoon) late in October and I'd love to document that as well.  Essentially, this is the beginning of my journey into the elusive Project Retail Therapy.  I have a pretty lofty goal that I'm working towards, and I hope you enjoy the ride along!

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