One of our latest projects in our Creativity class (which reminds me, I never posted this semesters courses – quick sidenote – I’m taking one undergrad design class – HUEC 3230 – Advanced Patternmaking with CAD Application; HUEC 7041 – Research Methods…kill me; HUEC 7044 Creativity in Design; and HUEC 7900 – Independent Study geared towards individual repurposing projects, CAD software, and technical sewing skills) Sorry for the sidetrack, SO, for the Creativity class we had an assignment to design a hat that portrayed and explained our inspirations and motivations as individuals. Tall task to design into one hat, not to mention no one in the class had ever designed a hat before, and some of the students in the class weren’t even design students (merchandising and textile science are also under our Division).
Too make a long story short, I grew up swimming, and many of my inspirations and early memories involve my sisters and the pool. I combined the bond between my sisters and the motivation that swimming inspired in me at an early age. I used the trinity knot as a symbolic representation of the bond between my sisters; it’s similar to the infinity symbol, but it has three points that intertwine and are never-ending.
I used a vintage swimcap as my foundation and mesh wire to shape the 3-D waves. I then covered the waves with molding clay and painted them. It was a long process, and halfway through I really was loving the effect, but I’m not as efficient/skilled with acrylics or molding clay as I’d like to be; I think the concept is extremely interesting, and I do love the outcome, but I’d love to have another crack at it to really work on shaping and editing the colors (in comes to play the title – wavering but willful – the intent was there, but the construction could use some work). 

All in all, it was fun, and I wish I had time to do it all over again!